
2024 Victorian duck hunting season update

Published Tue 19 Dec 2023

Anticipating a fair and science-based decision


Today we bring you the latest update on the 2024 Victorian duck hunting season, following the release of crucial information by the Victorian Game Management Authority (GMA). This data will guide the authority’s recommendations for the upcoming season.

Here's what you need to know as we await key decisions:

GMA's information release for the 2024 season

The GMA has provided comprehensive information that will be instrumental in shaping the recommendations for the Victorian duck hunting season in 2024. This data highlights the current state of duck populations and habitats, which is crucial for determining a sustainable hunting season.
The information suggests a recommendation of a full-length season, with a nine-bird bag limit.


Pending decision from the Labor Government

As of now, the Labor Government has not announced whether it will attempt to modify the 2024 season by using parliamentary powers to impose a hunting ban. Such an action would be a significant departure from the recommendations of the GMA, which are rooted in scientific evidence.


Awaiting action on the Victorian Parliamentary Committee's recommendations

The Labor Government has yet to make a decision regarding the recommendations of the Victorian Parliamentary Committee inquiry into recreational native (game) bird hunting, which called for a ban on duck hunting. Given the clear evidence of duck abundance and the sustainability of regulated hunting, it would be prudent for the government to reject these biased and unfounded recommendations.
This would also be backed by the South Australian Labor-led committee last week recommending hunting continue and recognising its sustainability.


FGA’s stance: Advocating for science and fairness

At Field & Game Australia, we firmly believe that any decision regarding the duck hunting season should be grounded in scientific evidence, not biased opinions. The data provided by the GMA clearly supports the sustainability of duck hunting. Therefore, we urge the Labor Government to make a decision that reflects this reality, ensuring a fair and justified season for hunters.
We do raise an eyebrow at the decision to restrict the bag limit in a year that’s booming with duck populations. We believe in aligning regulations closely with ecological realities and will continue to advocate for this and believe it can be addressed with the introduction of a true adaptive harvest model.


Our role in the decision-making process

As we await the government's decision, we encourage our members to stay informed and engaged. We must advocate for a decision-making process that respects scientific evidence and the long-standing tradition of sustainable hunting.
As responsible hunters and conservationists, we remain hopeful that the Labor Government will make a decision that aligns with the GMA's recommendations. We are committed to ethical and sustainable hunting practices, and we trust that our government will recognise and support these values.


You can read the GMA's report HERE.
